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The Horn of Plenty is one of three sukkot (plural of sukkah) designed by HSB Architects + Engineers for Sukkah Village at Wade Oval.

This Sukkot, visit Sukkah Village at Wade Oval

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 Tell your friends — the Cleveland Sukkah Village is ready to explore during Sukkot! 

This year, the excitement is soaring as jHUB extends a heartfelt invitation to your family to visit Sukkah Village at Wade Oval, a masterpiece of three unique sukkot (plural of sukkah) crafted by HSB Architects + Engineers. jHUB is proud to create Sukkah Village in partnership with HSB Architects + Engineers and University Circle Inc. for all of Cleveland to enjoy.

Visit Wade Oval through October 7 to immerse yourself in the temporary structures built to celebrate Sukkot, the radiant week-long Jewish fall harvest festival, a time to give thanks and gather with loved ones. Visitors can find Sukkah Village across the street from the Cleveland Art Museum on Wade Oval Drive. 

Sukkah Village designs

The three designs are The Suspended Threshold, The Enveloping Sukkah, and The Horn of Plenty. 


The Enveloping Sukkah at Sukkah Village built for Sukkot
The Enveloping Sukkah designed by HSB Architects + Engineers in Cleveland to celebrate Sukkot, the Jewish fall harvest festival.
The Horn of Plenty at Sukkah Village built for Sukkot
The Horn of Plenty sukkah designed by HSB Architects + Engineers in Cleveland to celebrate Sukkot, the Jewish fall harvest festival.
The Suspended Threshold sukkah at Sukkah Village built for Sukkot.
The Suspended Threshold sukkah designed by HSB Architects + Engineers in Cleveland to celebrate Sukkot, the Jewish fall harvest festival.












“The sukkot in Sukkah Village are different to represent the many ways families celebrate Sukkot and the beautifully unique ways interfaith couples and families embrace Judaism in their homes,” said Julia Miozzi, jHUB’s Communication and Project Manager.

Click to read more about the designs.

Celebrating Sukkot in Cleveland

Beginning September 29 at sundown, many Jewish families will celebrate Sukkot, a time to commemorate the 40 years the children of Israel wandered in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt. In Hebrew, sukkot means “booths” or “huts” and replicates the shelters Jews lived in while harvesting and during their exile in the desert.

jHUB encourages anyone interested in learning about the holiday to visit and use Sukkah Village. Miozzi suggests enjoying a meal with friends at the picnic tables around Sukkah Village! If you take pictures during your visit, tag @jhubcle on social media.  

jHUB provides new ways for interfaith couples and families to comfortably explore, discover, and personalize the meaning of Jewish culture and values in the modern world. The five-person team hosts monthly opportunities throughout Greater Cleveland for families and young professionals to embrace Judaism and share experiences.

jHUB is a joint initiative of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland, and an 18Doors affiliate. 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Laura Rothschild

    Absolutely beautiful!!

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